Filtering by: “YOUNG FILM LOVERS”

Teen Spirit

Teen Spirit

Navigating the highs and lows of adolescence, Teen Spirit dives deep into the world of teenage experiences. The selection brings together stories that capture the intense emotions and pivotal moments of youth – from the thrill of first love and the challenges of friendships to the complexities of relationships with parents and the journey of self-discovery. Teen Spirit explores the urgent, sometimes overwhelming aspects of growing up, including learning about our own bodies and the importance of setting boundaries with others. These films offer an authentic and relatable glimpse into the rollercoaster ride that is being a teenager.

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Best of Young Film Fest 15+

Best of Young Film Fest 15+

The chase for success, the daughter's relationship with her father, the surroundings of the women's toilets in the nightclub, or the hopelessness of hanging around and the impossibility of expressing oneself as one would wish. These are the themes of the Best of YFF 15+ films, which reflect contemporary approaches in cinema that appeal to (not only) young audiences.

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Найкращі фільми Young Film Fest 15+

Найкращі фільми Young Film Fest 15+

Гонитва за успіхом, стосунки доньки з батьком, антураж жіночих туалетів у нічному клубі або ж безвихідь тусовки та неможливість виразити себе так, як хотілося б. Такими є теми стрічок програми «Найкращі фільми Young Film Fest 15+», що відображають сучасні підходи в кінематографі, які цікавлять молоду аудиторію (і не тільки).

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KISFF for Kids: The World Around Us

KISFF for Kids: The World Around Us

Adventure awaits! The World Around Us invites young viewers on a magical journey through animated short films that explore the wonders of our planet and beyond. In this program, children can travel to distant countries, continents, and even outer space, discovering diverse cultures and the beauty of our world.

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